scorecardLeBron James tops the list of athletes who make more money in endorsements than playing their sport
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LeBron James tops the list of athletes who make more money in endorsements than playing their sport

LeBron James tops the list of athletes who make more money in endorsements than playing their sport
Sports1 min read

Despite skyrocketing salaries in sports, many of the top athletes still earn far more money off the court/field/track, than they do on and LeBron James tops the list.

The folks at dadaviz put together a chart showing the highest-paid athletes who make more money in endorsements than they do playing their sport. James is No. 1, with $53.0 million of his $72.3 million total earnings coming from endorsements.

If we consider percentage of total income, Usain Bolt is now the top athlete with roughly 99% of his $23.2 million in total earnings coming from endorsements.

Athlete Endorsements Earnings Chart

Cork Gaines/Business Insider

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