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Leonardo DiCaprio wants to play Vladimir Putin for his next movie

Leonardo DiCaprio wants to play Vladimir Putin for his next movie
EntertainmentEntertainment1 min read


Leonardo DiCaprio is ready to take on a new role: Russian president Vladimir Putin.

According to the Guardian, DiCaprio spoke to Germany's Welt am Sonntag newspaper and described Putin as "very, very, very interesting," and said, "I would love to play him."

DiCaprio and Putin previously met in 2010 when DiCaprio attended a conference in St. Petersburg focused on the endangered Siberian tiger. He said he didn't discuss politics with the politician, but instead "talked only about the protection of these magnificent animals."

He went on to say that Russian history should be portrayed more in films and cited other well-known Russians as interesting people to portray.

"I think there should be more films about Russian history because it has many stories worthy of Shakespeare," he said. "That is fascinating for an actor. Lenin also would be an interesting role. I would like also to star as Rasputin."

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