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'Media Mutiny' After Reporters Face Intense Restrictions At Hillary Book Signing

'Media Mutiny' After Reporters Face Intense Restrictions At Hillary Book Signing
PoliticsPolitics1 min read

hillary clinton photo

Hunter Walker

Reporters grill Carolyn Brown, director of corporate communications at Barnes & Noble.

Reporters who showed up to cover the first signing of Hillary
Clinton's book tour in Manhattan Tuesday faced strict restrictions that led to what one veteran correspondent dubbed a "media mutiny."

Officials with the Union Square Barnes & Noble informed the large group of reporters at the event they would only be allowed to view the first 20 minutes of Clinton's event, which is scheduled to last more
than two-hours.

"We need to get this line moving for people coming to the signing,"
one store staffer told Business Insider.

Barnes & Noble Corporate Communications Director Carolyn Brown addressed the assembled reporters and briefed them on the restrictions. Brown said Clinton would "hold the book and pose" before going "behind the desk" to sign copies. She told the press they would be able to get "footage of the secretary interacting with the customers" before being asked to "to wrap it up."

"No questions, she's not taking any questions," Brown said. "She's not making remarks."

Many reporters present could be heard griping about the situation.

"We've waited a really long time," one journalist complained.

"Can we ask you why?" another asked.

Brown said the rules were "normal protocol for Barnes & Noble."

Politico reporter Maggie Haberman gave a blunt assessment of the situation on Twitter.

"Media mutiny about to ensue at Barnes and Noble," she wrote.

Clinton is scheduled to appear at the store at 11 a.m.

