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Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella doesn't skimp on sleep

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella doesn't skimp on sleep
Tech1 min read


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

There's a perception that most successful people are early risers. Apple CEO Tim Cook and Disney CEO Bob Iger both wake up at 4:30 am, for example.

That's not the case for Satya Nadella - the Microsoft CEO usually wakes up at 7 am, he said during a rapid-fire Q&A with ABC.

Nadella also says he gets eight hours of sleep, which is likely more than most CEOs.

In 2011, for instance, Square CEO and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey told Kara Swisher that he would spend eight to 10 hours a day at Twitter, and eight to 10 hours a day at Square. That would leave him with between four and six hours to sleep, since he also said he gets up at 5:30 am to jog each morning.

The Guardian also reported that Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer only needs between four and six hours of sleep each night.

During the interview, Nadella also revealed that he loves to cook an Indian dish called Hyderabadi biryani, and that if he could come back as anybody else, it would be Australian cricketer Don Bradman.

