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​Modi Asks BJP General Secretaries To Feel People’s Pulse

​Modi Asks BJP General Secretaries To Feel People’s Pulse
PoliticsPolitics1 min read

Prime Minister Narendra Modi called a meeting of BJP’s general secretaries, where he emphasised on the need to maintain a link between the government and the party workers.

“The PM made it clear that despite the immediacy of the mandate, the party must not forget that another election will have to be fought, for that karyakartas must continue to feel a sense of ownership over the government,” said a senior party leader.

According to a general secretary, although the approval ratings of Atal Bihari Vajpayee were high in 2004, local anti-incumbency led to his defeat.

“It was observed that most karyakartas are not looking for governmental patronage or contracts. Most have simple needs – someone to help with medical treatment in Delhi or some transfer posting request,” a source told The Economic Times.

