scorecardOne picture that says it all about the new iPad Pro
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One picture that says it all about the new iPad Pro

One picture that says it all about the new iPad Pro
IndiaLatest1 min read

Did you know that the new iPad Pro is gigantic? It's true!

But don't take our word for it - here's Apple exec Phil Schiller describing the iPad Pro during Wednesday's event in San Francisco: "It has a huge screen; the biggest we've ever built in an iPad device."

He's not kidding. The iPad Pro is as wide as the previous largest iPad was tall. Like so:


At 12.9-inches, the iPad Pro screen is a huge step up in size over its predecessor.

But even more illustrative than Schiller's statements, or photos of the device by itself, is this one photo posted to Twitter by BuzzFeed's Nicole Nguyen. This one:

Now that is big. Like, dedicated bag-large. Like, not something you casually use for internet browsing and social media-huge. Like, you want a massive tablet to sketch on with the new Apple Pencil stylus and nothing short of 12-inches will do-huge. 

In so many words, buyer beware: The iPad Pro is a hulking behemoth regardless of its relatively light weight. A picture is worth a thousand words, right?

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