scorecardPeople Think It's Totally Acceptable To Stalk A Crush On Facebook
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People Think It's Totally Acceptable To Stalk A Crush On Facebook

People Think It's Totally Acceptable To Stalk A Crush On Facebook
Tech1 min read

The "Seven Digital Deadly Sins," a new interactive project from The Guardian and the National Film Board of Canada, asks you to absolve or condemn various digital "sins."

The project explores whether or not it's acceptable to download movies for free, look at porn sites, compulsively add friends on Facebook, stalk a crush on Facebook, and much more.

Here are the seven digital deadly sins: Envy, pride, wrath, lust, gluttony, sloth, and greed.Let's take a look at Lust. If you hover over cards on the left, you'll see "What do you think?" questions about having secret email accounts, watching porn, and stalking crushes on Facebook.
seven digital deadly sins

Screenshot/Seven Digital Deadly Sins

If you click on the "Stalking on Facebook" card, you'll be asked to absolve or condemn the practice.
seven digital deadly sins

Screenshot/Seven Digital Deadly Sins

Next, you'll have to say if you've ever stalked a crush through their Facebook page.
seven digital deadly sins

Screenshot/Seven Digital Deadly Sins

Phew! At least the majority of people absolve this sin.
seven digital deadly sins

Screenshot/Seven Digital Deadly Sins

