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Modi Thanks US Before Leaving For India

Modi Thanks US Before Leaving For
PoliticsPolitics1 min read

After ending his five-day long US visit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanked US for a highly “successful and satisfactory trip.”

“Thank You America,” Prime Minister Modi said on conclusion of his last official engagement at an event organised by the US Indian Business Council (USIBC). “My visit has been very successful. From here I am going to airport directly,” Modi said.

India’s US Ambassador S Jaishankar and Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Nisha Desai Biswal, came to see off Modi. On Monday, US President Barack Obama hosted a dinner for Modi, and on Tuesday, the two leaders met for about two hours. Vice-President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, too, hosted dinners for the Prime Minister, following which, he went to the Capitol Hill for a tea hosted in his honour by Joe Boehner, Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

In total, he met more than 50 US lawmakers and three Governors, including South Carolina’s Nikki Haley.

