scorecardRANKED: The Best US Cities For Wall Street Hotshots
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RANKED: The Best US Cities For Wall Street Hotshots

RANKED: The Best US Cities For Wall Street Hotshots
Finance1 min read

bankers at strip club margin call

Margin Call screenshot

Not everywhere in the world is suited to Wall Streeters. They have specific needs that are all governed by one truth - bankers have money, but no time.

Still with the little time they have, bankers need to travel, feed themselves, dress the part, impress their clients and try to have a little fun once in a while.

Business Insider decided to try to figure out the truth about the best place to do all that.

We took 16 of the most important financial hubs in the U.S. and ranked them by their suitability for the banker life.

The Banker Livability Index has five components - length of commute (time is money), flight times to NYC, London, and Hong Kong (for getting to important meetings), services to make a banker's life easier (gyms, late night delivery, maid services, and laundry/dry cleaners), places to take clients and network (high end restaurants, high end bars, and, for special clients, strip clubs), and proximity to various luxury clothing stores.

Lets see if anyone reconsiders some of their life choices after this one.

