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  4. 27 Executives Who Wake Up Really Early

27 Executives Who Wake Up Really Early

27 Executives Who Wake Up Really Early
StrategyStrategy1 min read

GE CEO Jeff Immelt

GE CEO Jeff Immelt

Immelt told Fortune that he gets up at 5:30 in the morning every day for a cardio workout, during which he reads the papers and watches CNBC. He claims to have worked 100 hour weeks for 24 straight years.  

Xerox CEO Ursula Burns

Xerox CEO Ursula Burns

Burns uses early morning hours to get caught up on emails, getting up at 5:15 and sometimes working until midnight, according to Yahoo Finance.

She also uses the time to fit in a workout, according to Laura Vanderkam's "What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast," Burns schedules an hour of personal training at 6:00 A.M. twice a week. 

Fiat and Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne

Fiat and Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne

Marchionne wakes up at 3:30 in the morning to deal with the European market, according to a 60 Minutes profile on his turnaround of Chrysler.

Referring to his schedule and work ethic, one exec is quoted in the FT as saying "Sergio invented an eighth day and we work it." In that 60 Minutes special, another exec said "When it was a holiday in Italy he'd come to America to work. When it's a holiday in America he goes to Italy to work." 

PIMCO Co-founder Bill Gross

PIMCO Co-founder Bill Gross

Runnning the world's largest bond fund in the world from California, pretty much guarantees early mornings. According to Fortune, Gross wakes up at 4:30 in the morning to check out the markets, and gets into the office by 6. 

Square CEO Jack Dorsey

Square CEO Jack Dorsey

Dorsey described his morning routine to New York Magazine, revealing that he wakes up at 5:30 in the morning to meditate and go for a six mile jog.

He kept up that routine during a period where he shuttled back and forth between Square and Twitter, spending around 8 hours a day at both companies. 

Richard Branson, founder and chairman of the Virgin Group

Richard Branson, founder and chairman of the Virgin Group

In an interview with Business Insider's Aly Weisman, Branson revealed that he wakes up at around 5:45 in the morning, even when staying at his private island, leaving the curtains drawn so the sun gets him up. 

He does his best to use those early hours to exercise before an early breakfast and getting to work. 

PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi

PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi

Nooyi wakes up as early as 4:00 A.M., telling Fortune that "They say sleep is a gift that God gives you ....that's one gift I was never given."

In a speakers series at Pepsi, she revealed that she's at work every day by no later than 7. 

General Motors' CEO Dan Akerson

General Motors

Akerson told the AP he will "rarely sleep past 4:30 or 5," waking up so he can talk to GM Asia before it gets too late. He calls it the best job he's ever had: "It's complex and interesting and exciting."

But the stress gets to him too, leading to "a lot of sleepless nights."

Virgin America CEO David Cush

Virgin America CEO David Cush

Cush described his morning routine to the AP: Wakes up at 4:15 a.m., sends emails, calls business associates on the East Coast, and that's before listening to Dallas sports radio, reading the paper and hitting the bike at the gym.

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Cook is known for getting up and sending out company emails at 4:30 in the morning, according to Gawker's Ryan Tate. By 5 AM he can be found in the gym. And he works late too, priding himself on being the first in the office and the last out.

Disney CEO Bob Iger

Disney CEO Bob Iger

Iger told the New York Times he gets up at "4:30 every morning." He takes the quiet time to do a number of things, claiming to read the papers, exercise, listen to music, look at email and watch TV all at once. Even though it's quiet time, he's "already multitasking."

Hain Celestial Group CEO Irwin Simon

Hain Celestial Group CEO Irwin Simon

Simon accomplishes more before 9 a.m. than most people do all day. He wakes up 5 a.m., going through emails and calling operations in Europe and Asia. He also prays, walks the dog and exercises before his kids wake up. He arrives at his office in Long Island usually after squeezing in a breakfast meeting in Manhattan as well.

Former PepsiCo CEO Steve Reinemund

Former PepsiCo CEO Steve Reinemund

Now the dean of Schools of Business at Wake Forest University, the long-time head of Pepsi told Yahoo Finance that he would be out of bed at 5:30, already reading the papers. He would go through The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and The Dallas Morning News before heading to work.

Former Peugeot GM Jean-Martin Folz

Former Peugeot GM Jean-Martin Folz

Now headed to the board of Eutelsat Communications, the former head of Peugeot was said to catch the 4 a.m. train from Dijon to Paris, and would finish up a briefing paper within minutes of arriving to his office at 7 a.m. According to The Observer, Folz also had his Renault Espace converted into an office so he could work while commuting.

Former Procter & Gamble CEO A.G. Lafley

Former Procter & Gamble CEO A.G. Lafley

Now consulting on innovation and CEO succession, the former head of Proctor & Gamble told Fortune that he made it a habit to be up between 5 and 5:30 A.M and at his desk by 6:30 or 7. 

Former Goldman Sachs and MF Global CEO Jon Corzine

Former Goldman Sachs and MF Global CEO Jon Corzine

Colleagues recalled to The New York Times that he would be in the office by 6 a.m., even after taking a five mile run in the morning. Yet he was still the last person to leave in the evenings.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz

Schultz starts his day with a workout, which is usually a bike ride with his wife, but still gets to the office by 6 a.m., according to

There must be something about Starbucks that makes people want to do this, as president Michelle Gass wakes up at 4:30 every morning to go running, and has done so for 15 years.

Must be all the coffee.

Former PayPal and OpenTable head Jeff Jordan

Former PayPal and OpenTable head Jeff Jordan

The recently-resigned CEO of OpenTable, Jordan told The New York Times that he is in the office by 5 a.m., and doesn't leave until after 7 p.m. However, as Jordan admits, these long hours played a role in his departure from PayPal.

Former Avon Products CEO Andrea Jung

Former Avon Products CEO Andrea Jung

Jung wakes up at 5 in the morning and goes to the gym before getting to her desk at 8, says Forbes.

Aurora Fashions CEO Mike Shearwood

Aurora Fashions CEO Mike Shearwood

As head of one of the UK's trendiest fashion companies, Shearwood's day starts early. Shearwood wakes up at 5 a.m. in order to travel from Nottingham to London in time for a 7:45 arrival. He loves the long commute both ways: "I catch up on emails and work, as well as speaking to teams on the phone."

Brooklyn Nets CEO Brett Yormark

Brooklyn Nets CEO Brett Yormark

The youngest CEO in the NBA told SellingPower that he gets up at 3:30 in the morning in order to get to the office by 4:30. From there, he works out and sends motivational emails to his team.

He takes it easy on the weekends, arriving at the office by 7 a.m. instead.

Former Oxygen Channel CEO Gerry Laybourne

Former Oxygen Channel CEO Gerry Laybourne

The founder of Oxygen is awake by 6 a.m. and out of the house a half hour later. If you get up early enough she might even take you under her wing, she tells Yahoo! Finance:

"Once or twice a week, I go for a walk in Central Park with a young person seeking my advice. This is my way of helping bring along the next generation. And if someone is up early in the morning then they are serious about life. I can't take time at the office to do this, but doing it in the morning allows me to get exercise and stay connected with young people at the same time."

Saban Capital CEO Haim Saban

Saban Capital CEO Haim Saban

As head of the Saban Capital Group, this Egyptian-born Israeli-American billionaire has his first cup of coffee at 6:02 a.m. and begins work from there. He works for an hour before exercising for 75 minutes to really start his day, according to Yahoo Finance.

Brooklyn Industries CEO Lexy Funk

Brooklyn Industries CEO Lexy Funk

The artistic co-founder of the Brooklyn-based clothing and bag shop told the Huffington Post that her routine starts early: "I usually wake up around 4 a.m." From there, the dilemma of whether to read and bore herself back to sleep or get on her BlackBerry begins. Once online, she's answering emails and talking to people from Brooklyn Industries.

Starwood Hotels CEO Frits Van Paasschen

Starwood Hotels CEO Frits Van Paasschen

According to "What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast" the former Coors CEO makes a habit of going for a run at 5:50 in the morning and being ready for the day by 6:30. 

Cedar Fair Entertainment CEO Matt Ouimet

Cedar Fair Entertainment CEO Matt Ouimet

The former president of Starwood Hotels and CFO of Disney just became the CEO of a company that runs amusement parks. Referring to work as "game time," according to Yahoo Finance, Ouimet likes to get to the office early, waking up at 5:30 in order to get out of the house by 6 a.m.

Cisco CTO Padmasree Warrior

Cisco CTO Padmasree Warrior

Although she doesn't run right to the office upon waking up at 4:30 a.m., Warrior spends an hour on email, reads the news, works out and gets her son ready for school. And she is still in the office by 8:30 at the latest, according to Yahoo Finance.  

She was formerly the CTO of Motorola, and has been one of the most highly acclaimed women in business over the course of her career.

Getting up early isn't the only trick ...

Getting up early isn
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