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7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30
StrategyStrategy1 min read

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

1. “If I were to die tomorrow, would I feel satisfied with my life?”

At this point in your life, you may assume you’ve got decades ahead. Hopefully, you’re right.

Still, that’s no reason to put off personal fulfillment until later. Make the necessary changes today.

As Quora user Matthew Jones writes, “If you’re dissatisfied with your life as it is right now, spending time re-evaluating how you manage your time is important. There are no certainties in life and there may not be a tomorrow, so while setting long-term goals and planning for the future is important, you need to find a way to soak up life.”

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

2. What is my unique value proposition?

Writes Nicolas Cole: “This is the fancy, adult way of saying, ‘What can only I do?’ In business, there is always a lot of talk about ‘value proposition.’ What are you proposing and how much value will it bring?”

It’s similar to a question from Fred Landis: “Is there anything I can do easily that others find hard?”

Once you uncover your unique value proposition or talent, you can work on becoming an expert in that area. As A.J. Agrawal writes on Inc.: “Have three to four news outlets that specialize in your value proposition, and make sure you take time to read them every day. Start sharing articles on your social media, and then begin blogging or writing articles about the subject. Over time, more and more people will recognize you as an expert in your field.”

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

3. Who inspires me most?

Sanchit Jain highlighted this question, originally featured in Relevant Magazine:

“Think about the one person you most want to emulate. Who is it? Now what is it about their story or character that draws you to them? Write down the words that come to mind. The person you want to be like the most tells you a lot about who you hope to become.”

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

4. Why do I get up in the morning?

This question, posed by Ariel Banayan, is another way of asking: What’s your purpose?

You may not have an easy answer, but you definitely have a purpose — and the sooner you find it, the sooner you can begin dedicating all your energy toward fulfilling it.

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

5. How much did I learn today?

“When you are in 20s your learning curve should be so high,” writes Raja Reddy Poreddy. “Learn a lot every day. Make sure you write a diary of what you have learned each day.”

This daily habit is a good one to hold on to, even as you progress into your 30s and beyond. Your goal should be to learn something new every day, so that your view of the world is constantly changing.

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

6. Who do I love, and have I told and/or showed them lately?

This question comes from Adam Rifkin, cofounder of PandaWhale.

Don’t assume your friends and family know how you feel — let them know you care about them. It’s especially important given that a Harvard study found close relationships are key to happiness and longevity.

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7 life questions to answer before you turn 30

7. What is my definition of success?

“This is one question that significantly improved my life,” writes Irene Enriquez. “We all have preconceived notions of success: power, fame, money. But success isn't limited to these things. Success can mean having peace of mind, or being in an environment that nurtures your talents.

“You have to define what success means to you. Doing this can be your guide when making decisions.

Need some inspiration? Find out how super-achievers like Richard Branson and Arianna Huffington define success.

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