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  5. Top 10 leadership lessons from Alexander the Great

Top 10 leadership lessons from Alexander the Great

Top 10 leadership lessons
from Alexander the Great
StrategyStrategy1 min read

Business Insider India
Alexander’s success as a general is largely because of his riveting vision, and dedication to achieve it. He was clear what he wanted from life and through his dramatic gestures and rhetoric was able to motivate a generation to do his bidding. This clarity coupled with a keen strategy can ensure you win every time.

Business Insider India
A successful leader has a focused vision and has the brawns to turn it into reality, and quick. Alexander’s nimbleness on the battlefield and use of surprise was largely due to his mastery over his army and flexibility of mind. He altered his strategy immediately after his spies briefed him about the enemy’s motives and implemented them quick.  

Business Insider India
Alexander knew how to build a dedicated team who would do anything to make sure they win. He allowed his generals to build on their strengths. A leader is never insecure that his juniors or peers would one day grow larger than their shoes.

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While this might not always be relevant today, its how Alexander felt a General should behave. When his army was hungry, he went hungry and when their horses died and his troops walked, he did the same. These created a strong connect between him and his army that charged them up.

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Alexander conceived soon strategic innovation would give him the edge. He encouraged his corps of engineers to design some of the most creative battlefield weapon – the ‘Scorpion’ is a great example. It was the precursor to the cannon, and could shoot bolts for distances that were unheard of in those days. He advanced mechanized warfare and used his own logistical acumen to leverage that to his advantage.

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Alexander believed in excellence. He routinely identified exceptional acts of bravery on the battlefield and recalled the sacrifice of fallen heroes. This drove his people to excel as they knew individual contributions would be recognized.

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Alexander spent an extraordinary amount of resources on training and development. He not only trained his present troops but also looked to the future by developing the next generation.

Business Insider India
Alexander was tutored in politics, culture and warfare by the best in the land including the likes of Aristotle. He made a name for himself in battle at a tender age. He grew up in an atmosphere replete with excellence. This ensured that even when he sat on the King’s throne at a young age of 20 he was up for the challenge and expanded the Greek empire into Persia. Surround yourself with the best, and you would grow.

Business Insider India
Alexander’s ambition dilapidated into megalomania and he fell soon enough. His over-sized ego fueled by heavy drinking disconnected him from his troops and led him to make the worst decisions. As a leader there would always be physical stress and psychological strains. Now it’s your choice, live life with integrity and honour, or fall to an oversized ego.

Business Insider India
Alexander’s mad desire to conquer the world led him from country to country, and he never felt the need to accumulate what he had earned. He failed to establish efficient systems in place to integrate the new provinces to the rest of the empire. As a leader if you fail to ensure the stability of your newly acquired profits, you may lose it all.
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