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'Stump for Trump': YouTube star duo gives rousing performance at Donald Trump's non-debate event

'Stump for Trump': YouTube star duo gives rousing performance at Donald Trump's non-debate event
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

Youtube stars "Diamond & Silk" speak in support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump

A rousing pair of YouTube stars gave one of their famous performances before Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump took the stage at his Thursday-night charity event.

Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway and Rochelle "Silk" Richardson, who gained fame as the "Stump for Trump girls," led the crowd to cheer on Trump's campaign.

"Now you know I'm so happy to be here," Hardaway said as Richardson occasionally echoed her. "And they said you know I can't act up. So I'm trying to act right."

She added: "But what I want to let everybody know is this: We cannot continue to vote for wrong person. We can't! ... It is time for us to start voting right!"

Trump hosted the Thursday fundraiser for veterans as an alternative to going to the Fox News primary debate. After repeatedly complaining about one of the debate moderators, Fox host Megyn Kelly, Trump suddenly pulled out of the debate.

In addition to cheering on Trump, Hardaway and Richardson also heaped praise on US veterans.

"You know you had a president that ran on 'hope and change.' But our veterans don't have any hope. And some of our veterans don't even have enough change to buy a loaf of bread!" Hardaway exclaimed. "But then come along Donald J. Trump and say, 'I am going to change some things.' Our veterans need to be taken care of! And baby that's why you should stump for Trump."

Hardaway also said if anyone in the audience sees a veteran or a wounded warrior: "Hug them! Love them! Appreciate them!"

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