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Tablets Win Over Smartphones In Ad Click-Through Rates

Tablets Win Over Smartphones In Ad Click-Through Rates
Tech3 min read

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Tablets Outperforming Smartphones In Advertising (Adfonic via GoMoNews)

ad response tablet smartphone ctr


Adfonic, abuying platform for mobile, has released its AdSnap: Tablets report, which compares the results gained from mobile ads displayed on tablets, with those displayed on smartphones. According to the comparison, click-through rates (CTRs) on tablets outperform smartphones for branding campaigns by 250 percent, but perhaps more surprising is the finding that tablets also beat smartphones for direct response campaigns, which are traditionally launched with less resources invested in the ad creative. The typical daily profiles of tablet and smartphone use are complementary. Tablet users tend to be more active in the evening and click more throughout the day, while smartphone users are both more active and more likely to click mobile ads in the early hours of the morning. Read >>

Mobile Advertising Post-Click Behavior (Millennial Media via e-Strategy Trends)
Sixteen percent of advertisers in the Millennial Media network included mobile commerce into their campaigns last year, according to the network’s year-in-review report.

MillennialMedia Post Click Campaign mobile

Millennial Media

In mCommerce was offered as a post-click option less than social media (18 percent), store locator/view map (21 percent), and application download (37 percent). Read >>

One In Four Teens Access The Internet Primarily Through Mobile (Pew Research via GigaOM)
A new study from the Pew Research Center finds that one in four American teenagers accesses the Internet primarily through mobile; about three-quarters of those teens own mobile phones, and half of that group uses smartphones.

internet access by age

Pew Research Center

And probably to no one’s suprise, teenagers are the age group most likely to be accessing the Internet, still outpacing older users, particularly those over 65, by a wide margin.
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Rubin Stepping Down As Android's Head Was Sudden (All Things Digital)
Andy Rubin is a brilliant visionary and a fierce executer, and he may have more acts up his sleeve. But, at a time when mobile is increasingly big business at Google, the father of Android is no longer at its helm. It was certainly a sudden move. In the time between giving wide-ranging comments on Google’s plans two weeks ago and dropping out of a speaking slot at SXSW this past weekend, something changed. But that doesn’t mean Rubin wasn’t ready to move on; as Android grew, he had been frustrated with the large-scale operational work, and wanted to return to return to passion projects in robotics and home automation, said sources close to Rubin. Read >>

Google Glass Was The Clear Winner Of SXSW Buzz (NetBase via Mashable)
The big buzz at South by Southwest Interactive this year wasn't for a startup, but for a rather mature tech company and its Glass wearable computing device in particular. Google Glass accounted for 21 percent of the brand conversations at SXSWi, according to NetBase, which analyzes discussions in social media.

SXSW Word Cloud

NetBase determined that SXSW itself generated about 1.1 million conversations in social media, 97.3 percent of which took place on Twitter. Blogs accounted for another 1.6 percent while Facebook generated just 0.4 percent. Read >>

Mobile Ad Revenue Jumps Nearly 50 Percent During Holidays (Tapjoy)
There’s a belief that app usage and engagement spikes during holidays. Tapjoy tracked each of those theories during Valentine’s Day, and found that there is major opportunity for developers and advertisers to outperform their standard metrics on these special days. According to the data, the holidays represent a major revenue opportunity for developers, regardless of the day of the week or how well you’re performing leading into the holiday. The developers on Tapjoy's network that participated in their last holiday programs saw their revenue increase by as much as 50 percent, compared to the previous 7-day average. Read >>

Cumulative Traffic Of North American iPads Is 50 Percent That Of iPhones (Chitika)
iPad users generate 30.6 precent of all iOS traffic in North America, a figure that is nearly half of iPhone users’ 61.5 percent share. The volume of iPhone users is driving this figure, since there are far more iPhones than iPads in consumers' hands. The iPad has proved to be a formidable driver of Web traffic. Read >>

