scorecardThe craziest small arms maneuvers by South Korean SWAT, in 9 GIFs
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The craziest small arms maneuvers by South Korean SWAT, in 9 GIFs

The craziest small arms maneuvers by South Korean SWAT, in 9 GIFs
DefenseDefense1 min read

Truth Leem/REUTERS

Members of the South Korean Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team take part in an anti-terrorism exercise at a hotel in Seoul May 28, 2010

With a multitude of potential threats radiating over the border from North Korea, South Korea can not be lax when it comes to security. 

As such, Seoul places a premium value on the training and capabilities of its military and police forces. This is clearly illustrated through the para-military capabilities of the South Korean National Police (KNP) SWAT teams.

A 2014 video from LiveLeak shows the incredible training in small arms maneuvers that these SWAT members go through.

The KNP is responsible for most security operations within the country, including counter-terrorism measures, riot control, and hostage negotiations. The KNP also, on occasion, carries out join exercises with the Korean Coast Guard and Army.

The highlights of the KNP training video are in the following GIFs:

