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Theresa May is reportedly considering plans to delay Brexit or let MPs vote against no-deal

Theresa May is reportedly considering plans to delay Brexit or let MPs vote against no-deal
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

  • Theresa May is reportedly considering plans to delay Brexit, or let MPs vote to eliminate the possibility of a no-deal exit from the EU.
  • Twin reports from Bloomberg and ITV on Monday suggest significant changes are coming to the British Prime Minister's Brexit plans.
  • It comes after Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn announced his party plans to support a second referendum on the subject.

It sounds like there are some significant changes coming to Theresa May's Brexit plans.

According to to reports published by ITV and Bloomberg on Monday night, the British Prime Minister is planning to offer to let MPs vote on whether to take a no-deal Brexit off the table, and may be considering delaying Brexit entirely to avoid the risk of Britain crashing out of the European Union without a deal.

The news is a striking change in direction for Theresa May, who has previously been critical of any attempt to delay Brexit, and has said that "no deal is better than a bad deal."

ITV's Robert Peston is now reporting that if May loses the meaningful vote in Parliament on March 12, she will "give MPs a binding vote on whether or not to go ahead with a no-deal Brexit on 29 March." And Bloomberg's Tim Ross says that she is "expected to allow her Cabinet to discuss extending the deadline beyond March 29 at a crunch meeting on Tuesday," citing unnamed sources.

After two years of political turmoil and indecision, Britain is now rapidly hurtling towards the Brexit deadline of March 29. If nothing is agreed upon by them. the country will, by default, leave the European Union without a deal - an event that is expected to cause chaos for the European island nation, affecting everything from the supply of medicines to food.

The left-wing Labour Party are also shifting their stance as Brexit grows near. Leader Jeremy Corbyn has historically been viewed as ambivalent on Brexit, but on Monday announced that Labour plans to support calls for a second referendum in the coming weeks - something pro-Remain campaigners have fought for for months. However, it's not yet clear what options would be on any eventual ballot sheet.

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