scorecardThis map shows the highest-paying job in every state, excluding doctors
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This map shows the highest-paying job in every state, excluding doctors

This map shows the highest-paying job in every state, excluding doctors
StrategyStrategy1 min read

  • Various medical specializations are the highest paying job in 43 US states.
  • Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we found the highest-paying job, excluding doctors and dentists, in each state.
  • CEOs are at the top of the list in 27 states and DC.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Doctors make a lot of money across the board, but other professions can also be very lucrative.

Medical doctors of various specializations are the highest-paying job in 43 US states. We decided to take a look at high-paying jobs outside of the medical field.

Using salary and employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Employment Statistics program, we found the job with the highest average salary in 2018, the most recent year for which data is available, in every state among occupations with at least 1,000 employees in-state, excluding several professions for medical doctors and dentists.

Read more: The 30 highest-paying jobs in Texas, where everything's bigger - including the salaries

CEOs dominate the non-medical occupations, with chief executives being the highest-paying occupation in 27 states and DC. Airline pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers are the top-paying jobs other than doctors in six states.

