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This woman ran into Hillary Clinton on a post-election hike, and shared a powerful message about resilience

This woman ran into Hillary Clinton on a post-election hike, and shared a powerful message about resilience
Alleyinsider3 min read

The INSIDER Summary:

A Hillary Clinton supporter ran into the former nominee while hiking in New York.
Clinton paused from her walk to thank the woman and snap a smiling photograph.
Supporters of Clinton are grateful for this peek at how the former Secretary of State is holding up.

Since speaking in front of the nation to concede the election to Donald Trump on Wednesday, November 9, Hillary Clinton has stayed out of public view. 

But a woman from Clinton's hometown of Chappaqua just changed that. 

"I've been feeling so heartbroken since yesterday's election and decided what better way to relax than take my girls hiking," Margot Gerster wrote in a Facebook post. "So I decided to take them to one of favorite places in Chappaqua. We were the only ones there and it was so beautiful and relaxing. As we were leaving, I heard a bit of rustling coming towards me and as I stepped into the clearing there she was, Hillary Clinton and Bill with their dogs doing exactly the same thing as I was."

Gerster happened to run into Clinton during her hike and, according to her Facebook comment replies, Bill Clinton himself snapped a photo of the two women together.

"I got to hug her and talk to her and tell her that one of my most proudest moments as a mother was taking Phoebe with me to vote for her," Gerster's photo caption reads. "She hugged me and thanked me and we exchanged some sweet pleasantries and then I let them continue their walk. Now, I'm not one for signs but I think ill [sic] definitely take this one. So proud. #iamstillwithher #lovetrumpshate #keepfighting #lightfollowsdarkness."

Hundreds of friends and strangers have commented on the image, expressing how heartened they are by the picture and the small moment of joy shared between the two women. 

"No way. That's amazing," a woman named Jessica Anne wrote in the comments. "

💓 it's like a sign to never give up hope and love for what you believe in. Love it."

Hillary Clinton

Many were grateful for Gerster's words because they shared similar thoughts and wish they could have spoken directly to Clinton, too.

"Thank you for sharing your sentiments with her on behalf of all of us who were proud to vote for her," wrote Lisa Piccirillo Barbiero.

Gerster told another acquaintance in the comments that she had already shared the photo with Pantsuit Nation - a private Facebook group comprised of over 3 million Clinton supporters. They are sure to be moved by the small glimpse of hopefulness and resilience displayed by both Gerster and Clinton. 

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