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Trump can't stop marveling at the size of Hurricane Harvey on Twitter

Trump can't stop marveling at the size of Hurricane Harvey on Twitter
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

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Donald Trump.

As Hurricane Harvey dumped foot after foot of rain on Houston this weekend, President Donald Trump seemed to marvel at the extent of the disaster on his Twitter feed Sunday.

"HISTORIC rainfall in Houston, and all over Texas. Floods are unprecedented, and more rain coming," Trump tweeted Sunday night. "Spirit of the people is incredible. Thanks!"

Earlier on Sunday, the president tweeted, "Going to a Cabinet Meeting (tele-conference) at 11:00 A.M. on #Harvey. Even experts have said they've never seen one like this!"

In a third tweet, Trump exclaimed, "Wow - Now experts are calling #Harvey a once in 500 year flood!"

The disaster, which many viewed as a big test of Trump's nascent administration, has claimed at least five lives. More than two feet of rain has fallen in the Houston area. That could increase to as much as 50 inches Sunday night, according to the latest National Hurricane Center projections.

The White House said Trump would visit Texas on Tuesday. He spent the weekend at Camp David, where the White House said he held two meetings with Cabinet members via teleconference about the storm response.

Here are some of Trump's tweets about Harvey:

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