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Trump was reportedly inspired to hurry up his tax plan after reading a New York Times op-ed

Trump was reportedly inspired to hurry up his tax plan after reading a New York Times op-ed
PoliticsPolitics2 min read

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

U.S. President elect Donald Trump reacts to a crowd gathered in the lobby of the New York Times building after a meeting in New York, U.S., November 22, 2016.

You can thank the editorial page of the New York Times for expediting the release of President Donald Trump's plan for tax reform.

On Monday, Politico's Shane Goldmacher reported that many Trump aides slip the president various stories to help set his agenda.

Goldmacher reported that recently, one of those pieces was an April 19 op-ed from the New York Times written by four high-profile conservative economists - Steve Forbes, Larry Kudlow, Stephen Moore, and Arthur Laffer. It urged the GOP and Trump to hurry up and get a tax reform plan done.

According to White House sources, the report said, Trump told his staff to hurry up and finish the tax plan after reading the story.

On April 21, Trump told The Associated Press that his tax reform plan would come out the following Wednesday.

Reports have suggested White House and Treasury officials were caught off guard by Trump's timeline. Instead of rolling out a full plan, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn released a one-page summary of principles on April 26. The summary was light on details.

According to Moore, one of the authors of the op-ed, White House officials said the Times piece helped inspired Trump to hasten the tax timeline.

"Several of the White House folks came up to us and said, 'It's your op-ed that got Trump moving on this,'" Moore told Politico.

Read the full Politico report here»

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