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Twitter is captivated by a GOP operative's raging tweetstorm about a mystery 'con artist'

Twitter is captivated by a GOP operative's raging tweetstorm about a mystery 'con artist'
Tech4 min read


Rick Wilson's Twitter profile.

For the past day, political Twitter has been captivated by a mystery involving an unnamed, alleged scam artist who a prominent GOP operative claims has been preying on Florida's conservative scene. 

Republican consultant Rick Wilson launched the widespread guessing-game Wednesday evening when he went on a tweetstorm raging against the unidentified scammer. 

Wilson, well known for his colorful tweets and commentary, fired off tweet after tweet threatening the mysterious person unless she admitted to her misdeeds and compensated her victims. Wilson said the unnamed person has an arrest record. He claimed had her mugshot and a secret Twitter account and could easily expose her to the world.

"What this person underestimated is our absolutely unlimited capacity for vengeance," he said at one point. "I put people in the dirt for an awful lot less. ... I have time, resources, intelligence, and an infinite supply of spite."

Wilson has promised to eventually reveal the identity of this alleged scam artist. In a conversation on Thursday Wilson told Business Insider his "big reveal" is "coming when one more item falls into place."

The ongoing tweetstorm started Wednesday evening. It continued Thursday and has grown to include more than 45 tweets. Here's where it apparently began: 

Here are his threats to expose the person's past:

In his messages, Wilson appeared to delight in this person fearing him:

At one point, Wilson said the "con artist" reached out to him to beg him to stop the tweetstorm:

Meanwhile, he continued to drop vague clues about the person's identity: 

A flood of reporters, operatives, and activists began to get caught up in the mystery:

 Business Insider will update this story if we find out more.

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