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Twitter Is Soaring After The CEO Promised Major Changes Were Coming

Twitter Is Soaring After The CEO Promised Major Changes Were Coming
Tech1 min read

Getty / Steve Jennings

Dick Costolo

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo says change is coming to Twitter.

Speaking at his company's analyst day, Costolo said Twitter is going to get better for people using Twitter, people that just signed up for Twitter, and people that aren't logged-in users.

Costolo says Twitter plans to deliver an "instant timeline" for new users that will deliver tweets built around content they want to see. One of the big critiques of Twitter is that it's hard for new users to understand. They have to follow accounts, but they don't know what accounts are worth following.

It sounds like Twitter is going to streamline that process and give new users instant access to a set of users that they should like. This should increase monthly active users.

For people that are current, logged-in users, Twitter plans to add "significant" functionality to its messaging feature. Costolo said he thinks good, "viral" messaging is key to the company's long term health.

As for logged out users, Twitter says it has 500 million people seeing tweets. It sounded like Twitter plans to try to make Twitter a more valuable resource for these people by serving them more tweets.

He also said that Twitter has plans to enhance its place in the mobile ecosystem with "Fabric," which is Twitter's mobile development kit.

Twitter plans to launch more applications like Vine, which he considers to be a big success.

Investors liked what Costolo said. The stock is up 4% since the analyst day started.

Costolo had been hammered by pundits for failing to deliver a clear vision. Today he said he wants Twitter to be "the very best way to connect to your world."

Investors, at least today, seem to be willing to believe he can make that happen.

