scorecardUse a ton of emojis? Study says you’re thinking of sex
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Use a ton of emojis? Study says you’re thinking of sex

Use a ton of emojis? Study says you’re thinking of sex
LifeThelife1 min read

According to a survey, if an individual is obsessed with sending emojis, they have sex on their mind 24/7.

Researchers from the online dating website found that even food emojis are used to denote body parts or sex.

"Emoji users want to give their texts more personality. Emoji users don't just have more sex, they go on more dates and they are two times more likely to get married," Helen Fisher told Time Magazine.

"Most people who reported thinking about sex once a day said they use emojis but not in every text," the findings showed.
The survey was done over 5,000 people, and it found that 36-40% who think about sex several times use more than one emoji. People who never think of sex said they used emojis less frequently.

Image credit: Indiatimes

