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11 bad habits that could be holding you back at work

11 bad habits that could be holding you back at work
Careers2 min read

Nathan Rupert/Flickr

19% of hiring managers were less likely to promote an employee who took frequent smoke breaks.

As it turns out, your behavior and habits at work not only affect how your colleagues perceive you - but also your ability to achieve success.

So if you're perpetually in a bad mood or enjoy a daily dose of water cooler gossip, you may want to consider changing your ways...immediately.

CareerBuilder recently conducted a survey that investigated which specific behaviors would dissuade hiring managers from promoting an employee.

After receiving feedback from more than 2,000 human resource managers across the US, it became clear that personality plays a big part in your likelihood of climbing the corporate the ladder.

The hiring managers cited 11 habits that we're all guilty of practicing from time to time - but it's a problem when these behaviors are part of your daily routine:

  • 62% were less likely to promote an employee with a negative or pessimistic attitude.
  • 62% were less likely to promote an employee who regularly showed up to work late.
  • 51% were less likely to promote an employee who frequently used vulgar language.
  • 49% were less likely to promote an employee who regularly left work early.
  • 49% were less likely to promote an employee who took too many sick days.
  • 44% were less likely to promote an employee who gossiped.
  • 39% were less likely to promote an employee who spent office time on personal social media accounts.
  • 36% were less likely to promote an employee who didn't clean up after himself/herself.
  • 27% were less likely to promote an employee who always initiated non-work-related conversations with coworkers.
  • 24% were less likely to promote an employee who took personal phone calls at work.
  • 19% were less likely to promote an employee who took frequent smoke breaks.

See the full CareerBuilder report here.

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