scorecardA Simple 12-month Roadmap for Women to Gradually Improve Their Career
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A Simple 12-month Roadmap for Women to Gradually Improve Their Career

A Simple 12-month Roadmap for Women to Gradually Improve Their Career
Careers1 min read
Small, gradual change each and every day towards the career and life of your dreams is the best way to evolve personally as well as professionally. Many times, several women who aren’t ready to jump onboard a new career next month, have goals of doing so over the next year. Totally fine - as long as you don’t forget what you are working towards and make progress slowly along the way. Who says you have to do things super fast just because other people are. Gradual is totally fine.

If you are all about the baby steps and imperfect action, here's a simple one year plan to help you make small changes over the course of a year.
