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A Young Founder's Insightful Reason To Start A Company

A Young Founder's Insightful Reason To Start A Company
Careers2 min read

noah kagan

LaughingSquid via Flickr

Noah Kagan learned he was replaceable the hard way at Facebook.

Last night an entrepreneur, Rob Cromer of Adcade, was explaining why he left his old, high-paying job at Barclays and started an adtech company.

He had no technical experience, just an idea on a napkin and two best friends who were willing to quit their jobs to help him. They lived in the same apartment, in bunk beds, while they bootstrapped. Now investors like David Tisch and ff Venture Capital back their startup.

I asked the founder if he missed corporate America, and why he wanted to be an entrepreneur. His answer was something to the effect of:

"I didn't like the feeling that the world could go on without me. If I didn't show up to work, or I got fired, someone else would easily take over my job and my company would be just fine. At a startup, you can see the impact you're making in everything you do. Everything I do matters."

Essentially, he felt life was too short to be replaceable. And while some people are harder to replace than others, everyone who works for someone else is replaceable.

(Founders, by the way, can be replaceable/fired too. It happened multiple times at Twitter.)

That doesn't mean your job isn't awesome, you aren't talented, or the work you do isn't worth-while. It just means companies can always go out and find another you. Learning that lesson is a great motivator. It makes you work harder to earn your keep, for both your company and yourself.

One early Facebooker, Noah Kagan, learned he was replaceable the hard way. When he got fired for slacking off, it cost him about $100 million in stock options.

"EVERYONE is replaceable," Kagan reflected a few years ago. "You are NOT special and there is guaranteed someone better than you on this planet. To make yourself irreplaceable, all you can do is keep showing your worth to your employer. Grow with your company, bring new ideas to the table, and never take your job for granted."

Or, you can do what Cromer did and start a company. When a company is that young, it actually does need you to survive.

