scorecardAs an American living in the UK, here are 5 ways Britain's National Health Service is superior to US healthcare
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As an American living in the UK, here are 5 ways Britain's National Health Service is superior to US healthcare

As an American living in the UK, here are 5 ways Britain's National Health Service is superior to US healthcare
LifeScience1 min read

  • The UK's National Health Service (NHS) is a government-sponsored system where people are entitled to healthcare without cost at the point of use.
  • Here, author Jennifer Still, an American living in the UK, lays out five reasons why she believes the NHS is "superior" to the healthcare system in the US.

When I lived in the US, I rarely went to the doctor. I didn't have work-provided health insurance and I couldn't afford any of the plans with exceptionally high premiums offered to individuals on the marketplace.

This meant that my "insurance" plan, like many other Americans, was "don't get sick."

It's a frightening and somewhat depressing reality to live with, but that reality has shifted greatly since I moved to the UK a few years ago as the partner of a British citizen.

The UK's National Health Service (NHS) is alive and, while not completely well, a vital part of the lives of the millions who live here.

Here are five ways I've found that the NHS is superior to the US healthcare system:

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