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This Staggering Map Shows How Much The World's Population Is Aging

This Staggering Map Shows How Much The World's Population Is Aging
Stock Market1 min read

Longer lifespans and lower birthrates in recent years have led to a U.S. population that has almost as many people over age 85 as under age 5.

America is already seeing its over-60 population grow, thanks in large part to aging Baby Boomers, and a map from the Global AgeWatch Index shows that the trend is far from over.

In 2012, less than 20% of the U.S. population was over 60 years old. But by 2050, people over age 60 are expected to account for 25-29% of the U.S. population.

Other countries are expected to follow a similar upward trend.

Check it out:

Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia will see some of the largest differences in population by 2050:

In 2012, 809 million people, or 11% of the world's population, were over 60. By 2050, about 2 billion people are expected to be over 60, which represents 22% of the world's population.

Pew Research Center has pointed out that this is "uncharted territory" for humanity and that the aging population is likely to create political and economic stress as a smaller number of working adults will be expected to finance retirements for larger numbers of older people.
