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WEEKEND READS: Catch Up On The Best Economics And Finance Links Of The Week

WEEKEND READS: Catch Up On The Best Economics And Finance Links Of The Week
Stock Market1 min read

taylor swift

Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Singer Taylor Swift recently pulled all of her albums from Spotify.

Did you miss something on the internet this week? No matter who you are, the answer is probably yes. We're here to help you catch up. Here's a smattering of excellent posts, both short and long, from the last few days that make for a good weekend read.

A reminder that not all oil is created equal - Izabella Kaminska

Did ending QE hurt the Fed's credibility? Ryan Avent says yes. Jared Bernstein says maybe.

"This suggests that whatever is happening in the conference room reinforces men's aspirations while eroding women's" - Bain & Company

Matt Bruenig rethinks gentrification

Matt Taibbi is back, taking on JPMorgan - Rolling Stone

The Dads of Tech - Astra Taylor and Joanne McNeil

Annals of former Goldman employees: "Lam says his quality of life is much better, now that his coworkers are dogs." - Melissa Cronin

The was a bitcoin Ponzi scheme (are you surprised?) - Matt Levine

Inefficient markets, wedding dress edition - Alyssa Rosenberg

Is learning economics bad for MBAs? - Noah Smith

"47. As the Twitter essay has increased in popularity, there has been a backlash." - Jeet Heer

Cultural interlude: Why Banksy is probably a woman - Kriston Capps

Self promotion:

American households are saving $42 per month on lower gas prices - Akin Oyedele

10 tiny flats you can buy in London for the same price as these £1 million mansions - Mike Bird

Bill Gross: 'I am a philosophical nomad disguised in western clothing' - Myles Udland

If you can explain what happens when smoke comes off a cigarette, you'll get a $1 million prize - Andy Kiersz

Former bank CEO says he led a double life as a CIA agent and hunted Osama Bin Laden - Elena Holodny

Here's what stocks did the last time the GOP took Congress with a sitting Democratic president - Sam Ro

A single number explains why radical leftist politics are here to stay in Spain - Me

