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11 New Android Users Share What They Miss Most About Their iPhones

11 New Android Users Share What They Miss Most About Their iPhones
Tech1 min read

samsung galaxy s 4 with iphone 5

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Switching to a new smartphone operating system often comes with a learning curve and growing pains.

The iPhone and Android operating systems are both completely different, so naturally making the jump from one to the other will cause you to miss some functions and features.

A thread on Reddit asked users who recently converted from the iPhone to Android what they missed the most about their former Apple devices.

One recent switcher said, "an Android device feels like a computer, with mobile features added in. I just feel like I can get more work done on my Nexus. There's flow. A normal workflow on iOS involves copious use of the home button, copying, pasting, scrolling trying to find an app, rinse, repeat."

