scorecard23 useful things you can make with a 3-D printer
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23 useful things you can make with a 3-D printer

23 useful things you can make with a 3-D printer
Tech1 min read

3-D printers have been used to create some incredible things over the past few years.

3-D printers have built houses, produced food, and generated all sorts of surprising objects. But they're not just for hobbyists and large-scale projects.; 3-D printers are capable of creating incredibly useful and clever household objects you may not have even considered in the past.

CGTrader, a marketplace for 3D artists, knew that there were plenty of useful things you could make with a 3D printer, so they gathered up these handy 3D-printed objects. We added a few creative yet useful additions from Makerbot's Thingiverse and Shapeways as well.

This is an update of a post originally written by Dylan Love.

