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Famed 'Watchmen' author is using a 9-year-old's fan letter as a book blurb

Jacob Shamsian   

Famed 'Watchmen' author is using a 9-year-old's fan letter as a book blurb
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jerusalem book

Knockabout Books

The cover of "Jerusalem" by Alan Moore.

Back in 2013, a 9-year-old named Joshua Chamberlain, from Northamptonshire, England, had an assignment to write a letter to the author of a book. And so, he sent a letter to Alan Moore, the famed author of "Watchmen," "V for Vendetta," and "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen."

"All in all you are the best author in human history," Joshua wrote. "Please write back."

Moore wrote back, with a long, kind letter talking about his work and sending Joshua a few more of his books. The exchange is published in Letters of Note. "Thanks again for a great letter," Moore writes in closing.

and thanks for calling me the best author in human history, which I don't necessarily agree is completely true but which I may well end up using as a quote on the back of one of my books someday. Oh, and please give my regards to Naseby. It gets more than a couple of mentions in my forthcoming novel Jerusalem, which I'm about two chapters away from the end of at present.

Take care of yourself, Joshua. You're obviously a young man of extraordinary good taste and intelligence, and you confirm my suspicion that Northamptonshire is a county touched by the gods.

All the best, your pal -

[Signed 'Alan Moore']
(Best Author in Human History. In your face, Shakespeare, Joyce and Cervantes!)

Now it looks like Moore, in fact, will use Joshua's note on the back of his book, according to The Guardian. Moore's newest novel, "Jerusalem," comes out in September, and a part of the letter is on the back.

Jerusalem blurb alan moore

Knockabout Books/Jacob Shamsian/INSIDER

Great job, Joshua.

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