scorecardMOBILE PAYMENTS: What's Taking So Long, And Who's Going To Win?
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MOBILE PAYMENTS: What's Taking So Long, And Who's Going To Win?

MOBILE PAYMENTS: What's Taking So Long, And Who's Going To Win?
Tech2 min read

Square Estimated Daily Payment Volume And Revenues

For many years, technologists, venture capitalists, journalists, and large companies have pined for the era when the mobile phone would become our wallet.

And yet, already five years into the smartphone era, mobile payments are not mainstream.

In recent coverage, BI Intelligence lays out the main kinds of mobile payment solutions that currently matter, sizes the market, analyzes global adoption trends on the merchant and consumer-side and discusses the key problems that any mobile payment solution must solve to break into the mainstream. It also maps out potential winners and losers in the mobile payments race.

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Here are the four kinds of mobile payment solutions that currently matter:

  • Near-Field Communications (NFC): Where the consumer can pay at the point of sale by waving his phone in front of a terminal. NFC has been overhyped: it's not more convenient than cash or credit, and the many companies who want a piece of NFC are canceling each other's efforts out.

In full, our special coverage of mobile payments:

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