scorecardThis beautiful 'Rogue One' concept art shows off early designs for the characters
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This beautiful 'Rogue One' concept art shows off early designs for the characters

This beautiful 'Rogue One' concept art shows off early designs for the characters
Alleyinsider1 min read

"Rogue One" is now in theaters. The film introduces "Star Wars" fans to a lot of new characters, but that's not how they always looked.

"The Art of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" goes behind-the-scenes with beautiful illustrations showing off the expanded "Star Wars" universe in great detail.

The 256-page is a perfect companion for any fan who's seeing the movie. Not only is it filled with tons of concept art showcasing the development of locations and characters from Jyn Erso to the many, many designs that imperial droid K-2SO underwent, but there is also a great deal of commentary from the artists and costume designer who worked on the film.

Abrams Books shared several pieces of concept designs from artist and co-costume designer Glyn Dillon with INSIDER from the newly-released book. Keep reading to see some of the early designs for character looks in the movie.

