scorecardThis chart shows how China's plan to engineer economic growth is a massive failure
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This chart shows how China's plan to engineer economic growth is a massive failure

This chart shows how China's plan to engineer economic growth is a massive failure
Finance1 min read

China has a massive debt problem, its economic growth is slowing, and it is now becoming a major concern for investors around the world.

In a note released on Tuesday titled "China: Solving the debt problem," Craig Chan and his team at Nomura unveiled a key chart which sums up how China's government strategy to fuel growth is seriously failing:



China takes on huge amounts of debt in order to fuel its ferocious economic growth.

In June, Li Yang, a senior researcher with the China Academy of Social Sciences said China's total borrowings were more than double its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015 at 168.48 trillion yuan (£19.3 trillion, $25.6 trillion).

But growth is slowing. China no longer puts up double-digit GDP growth, and instead is recording numbers like 6.7% for the second quarter. (And a number of asset managers and analysts believe the number is lower.)

This chart proves that China's strategy of fueling growth by taking on debt and investing in state-owned enterprises is not working anymore. Extra debt is no longer producing the growth it did back in 2005.

This what Nomura proposes the Chinese government should do.

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