scorecardTons of people are donating money in support of the Indiana pizza place that won't deliver pizzas to gay weddings
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Tons of people are donating money in support of the Indiana pizza place that won't deliver pizzas to gay weddings

Tons of people are donating money in support of the Indiana pizza place that won't deliver pizzas to gay weddings
PoliticsPolitics3 min read

Memories Pizza


Folks are standing with Memories Pizza in Indiana, and they're donating thousands of dollars to support the business; helping it stay afloat after the owners' anti-gay comments made national headlines Wednesday afternoon.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana told local news they would refuse to serve pizza at a gay wedding, sparking backlash against the owners who proudly boasted their right to discriminate (though they believe it's not discrimination) thanks to the newly-passed Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

This is a sign Memories Pizza displays in their restaurant:

Memories Pizza


"That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual. They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?" O'Connor defended himself to local news.

Hundreds of people flooded the business' online presence and left one-star reviews on the Memories Pizza Yelp page (some called it "the best gay bar in town") and the business was forced to close after the owners receieved tons of harassing phone calls and threats.

memories pizza

Google Street View

CBS points out: "Also, if you do a Google search for Memories Pizza, the first result may surprise you: It's for, a site where men can search for and find other 'bears,' - slang for hairy, muscular men."

A dejected Crystal O'Connor told The Blaze she wasn't "sure if they'd ever reopen."

Here's what the heading of its Yelp page looks like this morning (the pizza are in shapes NSFW):



And here's the gist of many of the comments left:

Memories_Pizza_ _Walkerton__IN___Yelp


But lots of people stand in support of Memories Pizza - a GoFundMe page set up for the O'Connor's business has raised a staggering $56,000 in the last 18 hours, and the couple is being applauded for their "stand for faith."

"I wish we had more to give. We can't let a small group of militant haters determine the morality of the nation. Thank you for standing up, I'm sorry it cost you so dearly," a man named Dan Neuman commented on the GoFundMe page. He donated $10.

"Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven. In the end it's how you lived your life. In the end it's all about Christ," donor Stephanie Dickerson wrote along with a $15 donation.

Maxine Funk commented "Freedom is for all!"

The O'Connor family, who has owned the pizza place for 9 years, says they agree with Indiana Governer Mike Pence when he says the Religious Freedom Restoration Act does not encourage discrimination.

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