scorecardMajor communications firm Edelman just found Americans trust their employers more than the government to fight racism, but think more needs to be done. Their COO unpacks the data for us, and what execs need to do now.
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Major communications firm Edelman just found Americans trust their employers more than the government to fight racism, but think more needs to be done. Their COO unpacks the data for us, and what execs need to do now.

Marguerite Ward   

Major communications firm Edelman just found Americans trust their employers more than the government to fight racism, but think more needs to be done. Their COO unpacks the data for us, and what execs need to do now.
LifeInternational2 min read
The majority of Americans are concerned about racism in the US, a new survey found.    Erik McGregor/LightRocket via Getty Images
  • The majority of Americans are concerned about racism. But they're not looking to the government for answers, a new survey of 2,000 people by global communications firm Edelman found.
  • Instead, Americans trust business leaders, specifically their employers, to usher in change.
  • Yet, only 25% of respondents feel business leaders are meeting the challenge.

The majority of Americans are concerned about systemic racism, and they trust business leaders — more than the media, nonprofits, and even the federal government — to help usher in change.

This was the finding of a recent survey of 2,000 people by global communications firm Edelman, published in the report "Systemic Racism."

Only 36% or respondents felt the government was heeding calls for racial justice, compared to 52% that believed business leaders were. Even more specifically, 71% said they trusted their own employer to usher in change.

A lack of trust in the government

"We've seen a rapid decline of trust in government. Just a rapid decline over the past few years," Edelman COO Lisa Osborne Ross told Business Insider. "I don't think it's any secret, by many, that there's a perception that this particular administration is not comfortable in this space, and has not been additive in this space. I don't think I'm giving you any news there. Look, it is what it is."

Instead of looking toward President Trump's administration or to congress for answers, they're looking to their business leaders. The majority of respondents want C-suite leaders to create change, speak out against racial injustice, educate society, and "get their own house in order," the survey showed.

Yet, thus far, about 75% of people don't think leaders are meeting expectations, the survey showed.

More than 55% of respondents want corporate leaders to enact zero-tolerance policies toward racism, ensure all levels of an organization are racially representative of the overall US population (in other words, that management is diverse, and not all white), and for companies to remove racist symbols, languages, traditions, or images.

Edelman COO Lisa Osborne Ross
Edelman COO Lisa Osborne Ross outlined three things leaders can do to show they're serious about tackling racism.      Edelman

Recently, we've been seeing more companies taking action on this last front, with companies retiring brands such as the problematic Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben. Other companies have been taking a tougher stance on racism, for example, pulling millions of dollars in ads from Facebook and Instagram over the company's handling of misinformation and hate speech.

"I'm invigorated because at the end of the day, business, which is the work that we do, has an opportunity to affect change," Ross said.

What business leaders can do

To meet workers' demands for racial justice, diversity, and inclusion, Ross said companies need to start "walking the walk."

For a start, leaders need to be intentional, she said, about addressing race head on.

"Talk about race and not 'DEI'. We're so comfortable in our diversity, equity, and inclusion language, but do we really talk about race?" she said.

While having these conversations, business leaders also need to enact real change.

Ross has recommendations for what questions leaders should ask: "What are you doing internally? What does your board look like? What about at your senior level? What does your supplier chain look like?"

And lastly, the COO encouraged leaders to embrace calls for racial justice in their own personal lives, too.

"It's the difference between putting out your company statement, 'I support Black Lives Matter,' and then putting the 'Black Lives Matter' sign on your front porch, on your property. It's easy to stand behind your company and say 'Black Lives Matter,' but are you that same person in your personal life?"

