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These Chris Christie poll numbers are absolutely brutal

These Chris Christie poll numbers are absolutely brutal

Chris Christie

AP Photo/Mel Evans

Chris Christie.

Chris Christie's image among New Jerseyans has become stunningly bad.

A Monday poll from Monmouth University found Christie's approval rating at an all-time low - worse than the negative ratings respondents gave the state legislature.

That poll comes weeks after a Quinnipiac University poll found that Christie had the worst approval rating of any governor in nine states surveyed by its polling institute over the past six years.

More than two-thirds of New Jerseyans also responded that they believe Christie only endorsed presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump to improve his chances of obtaining a federal appointment.

Christie's approval rating in the Monmouth poll stood at a dismal 27%, while 63% disapproved of the job the governor is performing. That's a tick worse than he did in the historically bad Quinnipiac poll, in which his approval rating was 29%. When registered voters were isolated in the Monmouth poll, Christie's approval dropped from 27% to 26%.

The approval rating was a record low for the governor in the Monmouth poll. The state legislature, of which 30% of New Jerseyans approved, stood better than Christie's rating for the first time in his six-plus years in office.

"It's really saying something when the legislature, which rarely manages to get its rating above water, is seen as more effective than the governor," said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.

Chris Christie Donald Trump.

REUTERS/Scott Audette

Chris Christie, left, and Donald Trump.

About 80% of respondents in the Garden State, meanwhile, said Christie was more concerned with his political future than governing New Jersey. And 68% of New Jersey residents said the prospect of a future federal appointment was the reason he endorsed Trump.

"Despite his statements to the contrary, the vast majority of New Jerseyans seem to believe that Christie's main concern right now is figuring how to get out of the state as soon as possible," Murray said.

In the Quinnipiac survey, voters in the state, which holds its primary Tuesday, made it clear they don't want Trump to select Christie as his running mate when they said, by a 72% to 18% split, that the Manhattan businessman should steer clear of their governor.

"Christie-for-president was a flop and, as far as the local folks are concerned, so is Christie-for-vice president," said Maurice Carroll, the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll. "Forget local pride, New Jersey voters say overwhelmingly; they don't want their Gov. on a Trump ticket."

"It's a drastic decline in popularity for a governor who once looked like a strong choice for president," Carroll added.

Christie is in consideration to be Trump's running mate, as the business mogul told The Associated Press in May that the New Jersey governor was on his short list of remaining contenders.

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