10. Lack of economic opportunity and unemployment (14.2%)
About 22% of millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa are concerned with unemployment and the lack of economic opportunity in the world compared to just 8.3% of Eurasians.
9. Food and water security (15.1%)
North American millennials (27.3%) are most concerned by the global lack of food and water, followed by 21.5% of millennials in Europe and 11% in both Latin America/the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa.
8. Lack of political freedom and political instability (15.5%)
About 19% of millennials in East Asia/the Pacific are bothered by the lack of political freedom and stability in the world, followed by 18.9% of millennials in Eurasia.
7. Lack of education (16.5%)
North American millennials (21.8%) are most concerned with lack of education around the world, followed by an equal percentage (19.7%) of millennials in Europe and Eurasia. Meanwhile, just 7% of millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa are concerned with a lack of education.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip Ad6. Safety, security, and well being (18.1%)
Millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa (24.6%) and the Middle East/North Africa (23.4%) are most concerned with safety and well being around the world, while millennials in Latin America/the Caribbean are least concerned (12.8%).
5. Government accountability and transparency, and corruption (21.7%)
About 32% of millennials in sub-Saharan Africa are concerned with world government issues, the highest of the sub-regions, followed by Latin America/the Caribbean (27%) and the Middle East/North Africa (23.2%).
4. Poverty (31.1%)
Latin American and Caribbean millennials are most concerned with poverty (40.4%), followed by millennials in North America (33.9%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (33.6%).
3. Religious conflicts (33.8%)
Many of the world's millennials are largely concerned with religious conflicts, mostly in the Middle East/North Africa (45.1%), South Asia (44.1%), Eurasia (41.8%), and Europe (38.8%).
2. Large scale conflict and wars (38.5%)
According to the WEF survey, millennials in Eurasia (54.3%) and the Middle East/North Africa (50.3%) are most concerned with global conflict.
next slide will load in 15 secondsSkip AdSkip Ad1. Climate change and destruction of natural resources (45.2%)
Millennials in Latin America/Caribbean (51.8%) and South Asia (49.3%) are most concerned with global warming and climate change.