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7 iPhone photography tips from Apple

7 iPhone photography tips from Apple
Tech1 min read

Andri Koolme/Flickr

Apple is proud of the camera on its iPhones.

On Tuesday, Apple enlisted some pro photographers to provide some tips for using the iPhone 7 Plus, which can create some beautiful photographs. It's got a double lens, which enables it to create a cool blurry background for certain photographs, called "bokeh."

If you'd like to hear more about the pro photographers Apple collected, look at their photographs, and read their advice, it's on Apple's newsroom blog. We've also collected the tips below:

  • Get up close to your subject to bring out the details.
  • Minimize the background to cut out the distractions from your subject.
  • Try to find the shade and put the sun behind your subject as a nice back light.
  • Pulling the exposure down just a hair can make images look more cinematic.
  • When taking photos of animals, give your pup some space. Portrait mode uses the telephoto lens, so a distance of about eight feet away is recommended. Have treats ready. You'll get the best results when your subject isn't moving.
  • Soft, diffused lighting will help with keeping the photo flattering to your subject.
  • Find a space that isn't too busy or distracting, as Portrait mode will create a photo that really pops.

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