scorecard9 Stomach-Churning Posts From Secret That Show Awful Sexist Behavior In The Tech Industry
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9 Stomach-Churning Posts From Secret That Show Awful Sexist Behavior In The Tech Industry

9 Stomach-Churning Posts From Secret That Show Awful Sexist Behavior In The Tech Industry
Tech2 min read

In the tech industry, there are more men than women and tales of sexism abound.


Thanks to new anonymous apps like Secret, more appalling stories are coming to light.

secret sexism


Part of the problem is that some men in tech think of women differently. This person, for example, likens women to 3D printers.

secret sexism


Men know the ratio of women in tech needs to be changed, and sometimes that freaks them out.

secret sexism


Some men think they're being respectful of women and supporting them. But this kind of thinking actually has the opposite effect:

secret sexism


Some men don't understand that they shouldn't hit on female subordinates within their companies.

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This Secret led a former Github employee, Julie Ann Horvath, to spill lots of stories of sexism within her former Silicon Valley company.
secret sexism


Some of the sexism stories make the tech industry sound like high school, where guys brag about hookups that didn't happen.
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A lot of the shocking stories about women in tech occur when female founders are trying to fundraise.

secret sexism


The founder of e-commerce company Nasty Gal, Sophia Amoruso, recounted a strange story during her fundraising process:

"One investor left me a strange late-night voice mail and then apologized for it on the phone the next day. 'Sorry about that,' he said. 'I was all messed up on Percocet and Jack Daniels.'"

Sophia Amoruso, Nasty Gal, hi-res

Courtesy of Nasty Gal

Recruiting can also be difficult for women in tech. This email was sent to the CEO of Locket, Yunha Kim:

yunha email sexism

Yunha Kim

yunha kim

Yunha Kim

Sometimes, women say they're reprimanded for speaking out about inequalities in tech.

secret sexism


Women aren't the only group of people overcoming issues in tech.

Here are some other issues people in tech are whispering about, but they're too afraid to say out loud >>

