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A fashion photographer captured powerful photos of wounded military veterans

A fashion photographer captured powerful photos of wounded military veterans
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An IED explosion caused Lance Corporal Cayle Royce to lose both legs above the knee.    Rankin Photography Ltd

One of the world's leading photographers has shot a series of photographs as part of a campaign to help raise money for veterans.

Rankin - who has worked with the Queen, Madonna, and David Bowie - photographed both physically and mentally wounded soldiers who have served in the British military.

The photos will be published alongside their inspirational stories in a new book called "For Queen and Country," and the proceeds will be donated to the "Coming Home" campaign.

The initiative is spearheaded by Haig Housing - a charity which buys and adapts housing for former members of the armed forces.

In a press release, London-based Rankin said: "It is impossible to even begin to comprehend what these men and women have been through, both in theatres of war and their extensive recuperation periods.

"It made their bravery and zest for life all the more humbling."

