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Check out this crazy spoof Star Wars poster featuring George Osborne as Rey

Check out this crazy spoof Star Wars poster featuring George Osborne as Rey
Finance2 min read
May the tax code be with you.    Bishop Fleming

Sorting out your tax is boring - even accountants know that.

So the bods at accountancy firm Bishop Fleming have tried to spice things up a bit. The firm holds a free tax seminar for clients the day after the budget to discuss how it will affect people. Each year they theme the meeting to make it more interesting. Last year the theme was Top Gear and this year it will be Star Wars.

"The idea is to make it more interesting so people are more likely to remember the material and get something out of it," Bishop Fleming's Chris Walklett told Business Insider. "We theme the slides too."

He says: "People will dress up as Storm Troopers and such. Even though I'm mocked up as Princess Leia I think I'm playing the role of Darth Vader in the presentation."

To advertise the seminars, which take place across Bishop Fleming's 7 offices on March 17, the firm's marketing department has mocked up a spoof Star Wars poster featuring George Osborne as Rey, Bishop Fleming staff as various characters, and flying red budget boxes. Check it out:

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