scorecardHow to use Venmo, the app that young people are using to replace cash
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How to use Venmo, the app that young people are using to replace cash

How to use Venmo, the app that young people are using to replace cash
Tech1 min read

Venmo has turned from a simple way to pay friends into a cultural juggernaut.

Like "Ubering" and "Googling," Venmo has become a verb: "Venmo me." There have been concerns about Venmo's security and a Federal Trade Commission investigation, but the app has continued its meteoric growth. Venmo, which is now owned by PayPal, saw its volume of payments grow 154% year over year in Q1 of 2016, ballooning to $3.2 billion.

Why? Because Venmo is an easy and free way to pay back your friends when you don't have cash in your wallet. All it takes is a few clicks.

If you haven't yet dipped your toe into the Venmo pool, here is a basic walkthrough of the app:

