scorecardJeb Bush releases 60-second TV ad attacking 'jerk' Donald Trump
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Jeb Bush releases 60-second TV ad attacking 'jerk' Donald Trump

Jeb Bush releases 60-second TV ad attacking 'jerk' Donald Trump
PoliticsPolitics2 min read
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's (R) presidential campaign is embracing the "jerk" attack against Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

In a television ad first reported Thursday by CNN, Bush called Trump a "jerk" twice while citing the real-estate mogul's mocking of a physically disabled reporter.

"When anybody - anybody - disparages people with disabilities, it sets me off. That's why I called him a jerk," Bush said at the start of the 60-second spot.

The ad also finished with Bush repeating the line and asking, "What kind of person would you want to have in the presidency that does that? At what point do we say, 'Enough of this?'"

That footage of Bush was from a campaign event last week. The ad also played footage of a Bush supporter who said Trump's criticism of the disabled reporter had inspired him to get behind the former governor.

At a November campaign rally, Trump sparked intense backlash when he dramatically impersonated the reporter supposedly retracting an old story that Trump claimed had validated his claim that Muslims in New Jersey celebrated the September 11, 2001, terror attack. Trump passionately denied knowing the journalist or mocking his disability, but the reporter in question, The New York Times' Serge Kovaleski, said Trump knew exactly what he was doing.

CNN reported that the new Bush ad is running in New Hampshire.

View the spot below:

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