scorecardNBA Point Guard Jumps Over John Wall's Head, Leaps Again To Block His Shot
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NBA Point Guard Jumps Over John Wall's Head, Leaps Again To Block His Shot

NBA Point Guard Jumps Over John Wall's Head, Leaps Again To Block His Shot
Sports1 min read

John Wall returned from injury last night against the Magic, and immediately found himself on the wrong side of a subtle but amazing highlight.

In the second quarter, Orlando point guard Ish Smith jumped over Wall's head as he gathered himself under the hoop, and then shot right back up to block Wall's shot.

Smith is listed as six-feet tall, so the initial jump is spectacular enough. But the double-jump — where Smith springs off the court like it's a trampoline and vaults himself back from where he came to block Wall's shot — is the really impressive part.

It happened so quick that the announcers barely noticed what happened:

