scorecardNorth Korea Shows Off Marching, Cheering, Tractor Pulling Prowess With Gigantic 65th Anniversary Parade
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North Korea Shows Off Marching, Cheering, Tractor Pulling Prowess With Gigantic 65th Anniversary Parade

North Korea Shows Off Marching, Cheering, Tractor Pulling Prowess With Gigantic 65th Anniversary Parade
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North Korea celebrated the 65th anniversary of the founding of the country as only it knows how, with spectacle and pageantry displayed on a grand scale of organized marching, waving and weeping.

The 65th anniversary celebration is on the heels of the most recent news out of North Korea that Kim Jong-Un reportedly executed his ex-girlfriend for violating pornography laws.

Dennis Rodman also recently visited his "friend" Kim Jong-Un and met his child, and called Jong-Un a "very good guy," despite the continued human rights abuses by the North Korean regime and the continued imprisonment of its people in camps.

North Korea also apparently has a big meth problem.

But hey, parade time in Pyongyang!

Attendance is mandatory.

North Korea 65th Anniversary


Zoom in a little for a better sense of scale.

North Korea 65th Anniversary


All staples of North Koran celebrations were present. Soaring trumpets ...

North Korea 65th Anniversary


Former leader idolization.

North Korea 65th Anniversary Kim Jong-Il


Fierce and extended clapping from the current leader.

Kim Jong-Il North Korea 65th Anniversary


Undisciplined marching by the men.

North Korea 65th Anniversary


Slightly more disciplined marching by the women.

North Korea 65th Anniversary


Crowds showing their support for the Dear Leader while still managing to look terrified.

North Korea 65th Anniversary


And a show of military might.

North Korea 65th Anniversary


Military might pulled by tractors.

North Korea 65th Anniversary


Tractors that could likely have been better used tilling fields to better provide food for it's starving masses.

