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These GIFs will make you believe in bendable smartphones that can wrap around your wrist

These GIFs will make you believe in bendable smartphones that can wrap around your wrist
Tech1 min read

Lenovo just teased a smartphone with a bendable display that can wrap around a wrist.


It's the first of its kind so far. The only other time we've seen a bendable display that bends to such an extent is rumors of a smartphone with a foldable display made by Samsung. But any details surrounding Samsung's foldable smartphone are still rumors at this stage.

Lenovo also teased a tablet also with a foldable display. Demonstrated by Meghan McCarthy, she folded the tablet in half and held it up to here ear like she would a phone. 

Lenovo didn't mention anything more about the device, suggesting it's just a concept at this stage.

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