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This why Harry is called Prince of Wales, not England

This why Harry is called Prince of Wales, not England
EntertainmentEntertainment2 min read

Jeff Spicer/Getty

  • Prince Harry's official title is of Prince Henry of Wales.
  • The real Prince of Wales is his father, Charles, who has held the title since 1958.
  • It dates back to 1301, when it was created for Edward II, who was born in Caernarfon, Wales.
  • It is normally passed on when the existing Prince of Wales takes the throne.
  • There is no Prince of England, as the country's monarchs rule all of Great Britain.

When Meghan Markle marries Prince Harry on Saturday, in keeping with tradition, she will be awarded the name Princess Henry of Wales - though it's a title she's unlikely to ever use, as it dates back to days when royal spouses took their husband's name.

Prince Harry's name is actually Henry, and his full, official title is Prince Henry of Wales.

The official Prince of Wales is Charles, who has held the title since 1958, but his sons William and Harry have also held versions of it. William was also Prince William of Wales until he married Kate Middleton and became The Duke of Cambridge.

The title Price of Wales was originally used by Welsh princes in the 12th and 13th centuries, according to Wales Online, and became a title also given by the English monarch after Edward I conquered Wales.

However, the title in its current format apparently dates back to 1301, when it was created for Edward I's son, the future Edward II at the time, who became the first of the current line of Princes of Wales. He was born in Caernarfon, Wales.

While he did not pass the title on to his son Edward III, and it instead went to his grandson, since then it has been held by the eldest surviving son of most kings and queens. The title isn't automatically given, but is normally passed on when the existing Prince of Wales takes the throne.

Charles investiture as Prince of Wales took place at Caernarfon Castle on July 1, 1969.

Even though the British royal family doesn't really use last names, you may even see Wales used as a surname for the royals from time to time, particularly for military purposes. Harry was known as Captain Wales during his time in the British Army.

There is no Prince of England

Meanwhile, nobody has the title of Prince of England, because England does not have its own royal family.

The country's monarchs rule all of Great Britain, and have done so since the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland merged their crowns in May 1707.

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