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Trump nominates Brett Kavanaugh to replace the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court

Trump nominates Brett Kavanaugh to replace the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court
PoliticsPolitics3 min read
Brett Kavanaugh (2nd L) is sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy (R) to be a judge to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia as his wife Ashley (2nd R) and U.S. President George W. Bush (L) look on during a swearing-in ceremony at the Rose Garden of the White House June 1, 2006 in Washington, DC.    Alex Wong/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump has nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court, to replace the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy.
  • Trump revealed his pick Monday night, fewer than two weeks after Kennedy announced his retirement from the bench.
  • Kavanaugh is Trump's second nominee to the high court in the nearly 18 months since he took office. Justice Neil Gorsuch, his first nominee, was confirmed in April 2017.
  • Confirmation proceedings await Kavanaugh next, and conservatives are already going all-in to usher him across the finish line.

President Donald Trump has nominated Brett Kavanaugh to replace the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the US Supreme Court.

Trump announced his pick on Monday evening, fewer than two weeks after Kennedy said he would end his 30-year career on the bench. This is Trump's second Supreme Court nominee. His first, Justice Neil Gorsuch was confirmed to the high court in April 2017.

The 53-year-old Kavanaugh has sat on the Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit since 2006. The chief justice John Roberts and justices Clarence Thomas, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg served on the same court.

A Yale Law graduate, Kavanaugh started his career as associate counsel with Kenneth Starr, the special prosecutor who investigated former President Bill Clinton's extramarital affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, helping draft the report recommending Clinton's impeachment. He also led the investigation into the suicide of Clinton aide Vince Foster.

Kavanaugh, who Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin once called the "Forrest Gump of Republican politics," later served as partner at the law firm Kirkland & Ellis in Washington, DC, and served as senior associate counsel, associate counsel, assistant to the president, and staff secretary to former President George W. Bush.

He also worked in the solicitor general's office in the George H.W. Bush administration before clerking for recently retired Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Kavanaugh made headlines recently when he backed the Trump administration in his dissent to a ruling that allowed an undocumented minor to receive an abortion.

According to the DC Circuit Court website, Kavanaugh volunteers, attends church, and coaches sports in the Washington, DC area, where he was born and raised.

Notably, Thomas Hardiman - one of the final four candidates for Trump's second Supreme Court nomination - was the runner-up to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch last year when Trump was tasked to fill the seat vacated by the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

Confirmation proceedings are next, and conservatives are already going all-in to usher Trump's nominee across the finish line.

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